Monday, October 6, 2014

The struggle is real

How often do you see the guy with his sign on the off ramp? How often do you see the woman with a guitar and not much more beyond her back pack? How often do you see the homeless person with their pet searching for shelter in a doorway or under a bridge?

These people are a part of every city, and town in the united states, they haunt the rail road tracks, the abandoned buildings and missions.

They eat food from dumpsters, food banks, and soup kitchens, they feed each other on the hand outs which caring people pass out of car windows.

Do you see us? Or are you the part of our society which can not even look at those of us who are living on the streets. Are you one of the people who tear at the last shreds of dignity that we manage to wrap around ourselves.


Maybe you are one of the people who can somehow look past the dirt on our faces, our jackets, and see the sparkle in our eyes. See us as a person, who for reasons beyond your understanding has arrived at the gutter level.

If this is you, if you are one of the people who can somehow reach out to those below you on the rungs of the social ladder, and through your kindness, aid in their rising, you and part of the better world, the world we all want to live in, the world which creates relationships and unity, the world of love and light.

This is the world we all want to live in, this is why we are here, the struggle is real.

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